Thursday, April 24, 2008

The kocissphere has gone silent

It seems that Elmysterio has finally gone dark. Pardon the pun but his blog has gone silent. It seems that he has apparently lost the will to blog. I liked his blog and I liked his insights on the Kocis case. Several bloggers seemed to be a little threatened by his blog. I guess that is why they united to try and destroy his blog.

The fighting among the posters seems to have gotten out of hand. Funny thing is that there have been so many other murders and attempted murders involving people in porn but none of them has garnered as much attention as the Cobra Killer case. Maybe it is due to all of the scandal involved. Under age porn, prostitution and lies and the like.

With bigger than life characters and several different police agencies involved I think it is the making of a good movie. We are still waiting for PC's witness list. What is the verdict on the "stolen cameras". Were they Bryan's or not? Why all of the sudden attacks on certain bloggers?
Grant came from behind the scenes to attack BB. Jim and VJ attacked me on Jim's blog as well as various other bloggers who don't even know me. It is no wonder no one is posting on these blogs anymore.

This case is just a sad diversion for those who have nothing better to do. Joe and Harlow did it and it will be proven. I will admit that Elmysterio is a bit of a whack job but he is at least loyal. unlike so many other posters out there. I think with the silence of Elmysterio these bloggers have nothing to talk about. How funny is that.

I tried to get a invite by Elmysterio but he is not giving them out. Some contrived story about a detective wants him to keep it private until they finish the investigation. I say that he is lying and Jim might be right about him. He and PC are claiming that Elm lied and I am starting to believe them on this. I might add that Elm did come up with allot of info at the beginning of this case.

His timeline was very good intel and there were a few other posts that he made that had info that was not mentioned anywhere else. His blog was even on the news. I guess that might count for something. I don't think that he ever spoke to Joe or Harlow though. Why would two criminals on the run take the time to contact a blogger.

He might have had contact with someone who was close to the case but that is also a guess. If he was so close to Joe and Harlow why would he post about the alibi. He would have also leaked details about the beach tapes before anyone else but he did not. I don't know maybe he did receive letters from Joe and Harlow.

Who knows who cares the hookers are guilty and I heard that the police have DNA evidence to prove it. They did get a sample from their house in the raid. Seems that they found allot more evidence in the raid then they are admitting. It pretty much looks like a done deal to me. Harlow's appeal will be denied and he will be stuck with his do nothing attorneys. A definite win for the prosecution.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Straight Boys"

So what is the deal with "straight boys" doing gay porn? What is the deal with "straight boys" going to gay sex clubs? I just want to know what is up with that. The last few times I went slumming to a gay sex club both of the guys that I hooked up with were "straight boys". Don't get me wrong they were hot and good fucks too. But they were both in relationships with woman. This whole on the down low thing is getting to be a bit too much. First of all if you are in a committed relationship then fooling around with someone else is cheating.

I can understand if you are in a openly gay relationship that is one thing but to fool around on your wife or girlfriend is a different story. You are lying to her about what you are doing and putting her at risk every time you fuck around with another guy. Most of them claim to be discrete about their extracurricular activities. You know don't call me at home or they give you a secret cell phone number that their girlfriend does not know about.

I mean these guys are chasing after you and they want to fuck around but don't want you to acknowledge them if you see them on the street. It really is just like being the other woman but you are a man. I weed these losers out most of the time but every once in a while one slips through the fence. I know that some gay men find it a challenge to seduce "straight boys" but to me it is just tiresome.

Now I am a happy and content gay man and I am not in the closet to anyone. I am confidant in who I am and maybe that is what attracts these "straight boys" to me. I don't know what the deal is really. I mean I went to the store down the street and a guy hits on me. The last time I saw him he was buying condoms and slobbering all over some girl he was with. Then a week later he is hitting on me.

I have allot of "straight" male friends and quite a few of them have had sexual relationships with other men. I am really of the belief that a few beers is the only difference between us and them.
I really wonder about the whole gay straight thing sometimes. With all of the politicians who have been caught up in sexual scandals recently and the whole scandal of them and escorts.

Is the world just in denial about most men being gay?

Crush, Kill, Destroy

To this new blogger I seems that the world of blogging has gotten a bit heavy handed. I can not say for certain but I seems that one of my favorite bloggers has "left the building" to use his own term. I have been reading his blog for about a year and never commented on it but I have truly enjoyed it. Then all of the attacks got personal and I kind of stopped reading it as often. Well today I went to take a peek at it and it was closed down to nonmembers.

Whats that all about? Is he going away like some of his detractors seem to want? Is he really involved in this murder as some of the other bloggers have claimed. I really don't know I tried to email him and I got no response. Maybe the police or the FBI made him shut his blog down.

Well with all of his former readers turning on him I can see why he would just walk away.
There were some interesting theories on his blog about the case. For the most part I used his blog as a link to get to the other blogs talking about this case. Now I am at a lose as to what is going on in this case. So I put this post together to see if it will draw attention from someone who can give me some info on the mysterious Elmysterio.

Did he really have any contact with the killers of Bryan Kocis? Why is PC so pissed at him? What is up with this Rob guy he can't seem to get his facts straight he sounds about as deranged as that BB guy. From where I sit I think that Elm is right about Jim he does seem like a cop. I think that Joe and Harlow did have something to do with the murder but as far the"motive" goes the police are way off base on that one.

I was reading Damon Kruezer and he seems to think it was all planned by Dexx Jones as a ploy to boost ratings on his Miami Studios. Is this guy for real? Damon has more issues than National Geographic. He is hated by all yet he still exists what is that all about? He is like a roach he will be blogging about his mindless bullshit even after the porn industry is dead and gone. People need to realize that he is just a opportunistic infection on society.

Now on to more pressing matters: The idiots who are the center of all of this mess. If Joe and Harlow did kill Bryan Kocis they did the world a favor. The man was a pariah on society. From everything that I have read about him he was a sack of human waste. Good riddance to him and all that he stood for. I am in no way sad or sorry that he is dead. He was a big bully who used young men to get his jollies and to make cash.

The evidence so far leads me to believe that they had something to do with it. I mean they bought a gun and a knife, rented a car and used a throwaway phone to contact the victim. Got a Internet report on him and even admitted that they cased his house. What more do you need to prove that they did this, a video of them committing the crime? There is probably one of those to in the camera that they stole from the victims house.

As far as I am concerned if I were Brent Corrigan I would boldly tell the whole truth about that man. I say to Brent write a book it will help you put all of this behind you and you will make a killing on it to boot. No more money problems and you can get on with your life. I would love to read all of the juicy gooey details.

Hope this is over soon.